
Market Order

The following example places a market order for the minimum amount of BTC-USD possible and then follows up by placing a stop loss market order at a stop price that is $300 less than the original order price.

This is a contrived example that makes some assumptions and does not count for every contingency, but it does use several copra.rest.Client methods. The steps that is follows are:

  1. Check to see what the minimum BTC-USD order size is. products()
  2. Check to see what the available USD balance is. accounts()
  3. Check for the price of the last BTC-USD trade. ticker()
  4. Place a market order. market_order()
  5. Check the order status. get_order()
  6. Place a stop loss market order. market_order()
# rest_example.py

import asyncio

from copra.rest import APIRequestError, Client


loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

async def run():

    async with Client(loop, auth=True, key=KEY, secret=SECRET,
                      passphrase=PASSPHRASE) as client:

        # Determine the smallest size order of BTC-USD possible.
        products = await client.products()
        for product in products:
            if product['id'] == 'BTC-USD':
                min_btc_size = float(product['base_min_size'])

        print('\nMinimum BTC-USD order size: {}\n'.format(min_btc_size))

        # Get the amount of USD you have available. This assumes you don't
        # know the account id of your Coinbase Pro USD account. If you did,
        # you could just call client.account(account_id) to retrieve the
        # amount of USD available.
        accounts = await client.accounts()
        for account in accounts:
            if account['currency'] == 'USD':
                usd_available = float(account['available'])

        print('USD available: ${}\n'.format(usd_available))

        # Get the last price of BTC-USD
        btc_usd_ticker = await client.ticker('BTC-USD')
        btc_usd_price = float(btc_usd_ticker['price'])

        print("Last BTC-USD price: ${}\n".format(btc_usd_price))

        # Verify you have enough USD to place the minimum BTC-USD order
        usd_needed = btc_usd_price * min_btc_size
        if usd_available < usd_needed:
            print('Sorry, you need ${} to place the minimum BTC order'.format(

        # Place a market order for the minimum amount of BTC
            order = await client.market_order('buy', 'BTC-USD',
            order_id = order['id']

            print('Market order placed.')
            print('\tOrder id: {}'.format(order_id))
            print('\tSize: {}\n'.format(order['size']))

        except APIRequestError as e:

        # Wait a few seconds just to make sure the order completes.
        await asyncio.sleep(5)

        # Check the order status
        order = await client.get_order(order_id)

        # Assume the order is done and not rejected.
        order_size = float(order['filled_size'])
        order_executed_value = float(order['executed_value'])

        # We could check the fills to get the price(s) the order was
        # executed at, but we'll just use the average price.
        order_price = order_size * order_executed_value

        print('{} BTC bought at ${:.2f} for ${:.2f}\n'.format(order_size,

        # Place a stop loss market order at $300 below the order price.
        stop_price = '{:.2f}'.format(6680.55 - 300)
        sl_order = await client.market_order('sell', 'BTC-USD', order_size,
                                             stop='loss', stop_price=stop_price)

        print('Stop loss order placed.')
        print('\tOrder id: {}'.format(sl_order['id']))
        print('\tSize: {}'.format(sl_order['size']))
        print('\tStop price: ${:.2f}\n'.format(float(sl_order['stop_price'])))

        await client.cancel_all(stop=True)



Running this script with your API key credentials inserted in their proper spots should yield output similar to that below.

$ python3 rest_example.py

Minimum BTC-USD order size: 0.001

USD available: $1485.6440517304

Last BTC-USD price: $6571.00

Market order placed.
        Order id: 1ed693ef-fc95-49ec-af6e-d37937d5ff1b
        Size: 0.00100000

0.001 BTC bought at $6571.00 for $6.57

Stop loss order placed.
        Order id: 72998d92-dea2-4f4c-83f2-e119f92861d5
        Size: 0.00100000
        Stop price: $6271.00
